Friday, August 19, 2011

Cross Roads

hey.. whoa, my plan to start blogging again 5 months ago is like totally failing. but here i am :)

hmm... facing difficult time in life now. So many friends and relatives flying off to further their studies. As happy as I am for each one of them, kinda sad to see so many leave so soon. -sigh- i guess that's part of life. Sometimes you've gotta let go of some things.

I kinda realized I never really took the time to appreciate having them here. Always having such a good time that I just never really thought that we'd come to this point. Figured we'll live life the way it is. Guess there are times in life where changes come and you gotta be strong enough to handle it. I just wish them all the best and hopefully we'll still be as tight as ever when they get back :)

For myself, watching them go makes me feel rather restless. I need to get out and do SOMETHING! but at the same time, i still feel a lil' insecure bout going overseas. ever got that feeling? that maybe you might not fit in or end up in a situation where you don't know what to do and there's no one to help you. :/

oh well, things come and go. I'll trust in God that whatever plans he has for me will be for the better. Uni life has resumed into the 2nd semester, doing well so far. Hurt a lil' here and there but still surviving. from now on, i'll try not to get too deep into things that i have no control over. And especially not to force things that are just not meant to be over-exerted.

tough decisions ahead! i know He'll guide me through and through. Praise the Lord!

till the next one again peeps..
-darren khoo
signing out :D