Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Time of reflection

hi you! it's the 30th of December 2009. I think it's about time you take a few minutes to look back at the year and remember all the little things that make the most memorable moments in your life. After all, they only come by once. It could be anything... making new friends, having some awesome vacation or trip somewhere, a promotion, a new loved one, getting married, having a child.. it's all wrapped up in one package called "memories" that I'm sure you'll cherish for life. If you don't have even a single one of those to remember, then you really are in trouble. GET A LIFE!!!
Okay, I'm sorry that was rude. But seriously, if you don't then you need some spice in your life somewhere and soon. Hmm... for me, I guess 2009 was quite an awesome year. Made really good friends, had superb fellowship with them, I grew in the Lord this year, taking up more responsibilities in church. I even became class monitor of 5Science1. Hehe, I never would have figured that out a couple of years ago. I finished SPM and later today I'm gonna spend some time with my friends and for some, probably it will be the last time. So yeah, looking back at it I'm really blessed by God to have 2009 in my life and all that has happened during the year. Yeah, sure there were the down sides as well.. like embarassing yourself in front of the whole school singing "stand By Me" or being pushed here and there because some people wanted you to be a man and talk to the girl you like or wasting alot of money on things you really shouldnt at all. So basically there were also a lot of learning points in 2009. Oh and did I mention, I performed for the Christian Fellowship events on the bass guitar and it was an awesome experience. Finally I get to perform in front of a crowd and not just to myself in front of a mirror. xPxP
I've grown to cherish the people I love most and I guess that matters most really. I mean yeah sure you're super tight with your friends and buddies and all but when it comes to family, no one can replace them. Love your parents more.. they might be gone one day and you might never experience the joy of saying " I love you mom" or "I love you dad" anymore once they're gone. Love your sisters too ( if you have one ) because you might never know when they might just get infected with the H1N1 virus and dissappear outta your lives just like that. So seriously, pay more attention to your family because after all said and done, they are the ones you turn to when everything seems meaningless.
Gosh, I just mixed sentimental and nostalgic and the same time.. not a very good combination. Blahhh.... I shall revert myself back to the present. Anywayz, just wanted to let you all know that you should be doing something special today in case you didnt do any throughout the year that you can remember. Even if you have, just do something today that you'll remember in 10 years time. Hopefully we make it to 10 years. According to that movie... I reckon we only have about 2 years more before we all DIE!!! nahhh... it's probably just crap.....

OR IS IT??!?!

hahaha anyways, i'll see you guys soon.

signing out

P.S. I've blogged 3 days in a row! Not Bad!!

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