Monday, November 5, 2007

what a WEEKEND!!

hey guys. You couldn't have had a better weekend then the one that I just had. Man oh Man, it was a BLAST !!! Yeah, though it was mixed with a little sadness here and there. On friday, I watched as the form 5's shook the hands of the teachers that have guided them thorugh their teenage years and some of the students, even teachers broke down and cried. Phew, I felt kinda touched by that and yeah, I'd like to have that feeling one day. Wouldn't you??? Anyway, before I get all sappy and sad, lets talk bout the positive things. Yesterday was the 3RD FCS and if you were not one of the 1000+ people that came, then I really feel sorry for you, 'cause it was like SUPER SUPER COOL!!! I think it was like the most happening thing that day. Gosh, I never had so much fun and I know so did everyone else. After all the peparations for months, it was really all worth it and i'd like to personally thank all the people who took part and participated, muchly appreciated. I'm also so proud of my church because of the number of people who attended the altar call and recieved JeSuS that night. CONGRATS to all of y'all, it will be a total change for you and your life. Anyway, I don't have much more time to tell the other details, will do so tomorrow. And just before I go, just wanna let you guys in on a lil' sumthin'. I made friends with this girl who's form 5, her name's janice. I'm so proud of myself for managing to do something ( i don't know what ) that prompted her to give me her number. hehe, till tmr guys.
-darren khoo

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