Sunday, October 21, 2007

school resumes tomorrow

hey guys, welcome back to this rather boring but suprising life of mine. I had to wake up like super super early in the morning today to run some errands. Urgh, it was followed by a trip to church for regular church service ( normally I go on saturday but since I went for the course yesterday, it was postponed to this morning ). I was drop dead tired when I entered the church. Lucky for me I didn't snooze while the pastor was preaching, but you can imagine how it was like, listening to someone talk while your whole tired and exhausted body is lazing on a cozy comfortable chair trying not to fall asleep. Phew! what a sight, so sad you had to miss it. Oh well, what can I do but make the best of it. I got back home and immediately passed out ( litterally passed out on my bed ). I didn't really do much today, other than running 'em errands, sleep, surf the net, watch a lil' TV and exercise. The bad feeling I have now is to have to wake up 5.30 am tomorrow to get ready for school. Grrrr, dad forced me to go after playing truant for the past week. I'll just have to get on with life and with the pethetic activites the school has set for the form3 students for the rest of the week. And speaking of the rest of the week, the WYSC qualifier for malaysia is at the end of the week. I can't believe it's already 27 October in a week. Doesn't time fly so fast? Well, the players that i know will be there on that day are
Suanne, Seanchung, Scottchung, Ramaraj, Andrew, Jagan, Jern Ho, Ian, Perng, Alex, Benjamin, BrianLai, Nikita, and me of course. There are a few more that I'm not quite sure if they'll be present such as wee seong, han yang, steven, irwin goh, xin kit, vern sern, eugene and many more. So pick 8 ppl out of this bunch that you think we'll represent malaysia at this years WYSC.
Hey, it's pass 12 already, gotta go to bed now or I"m gonna suffer tomorrow. Good Night Peoplez!
-darren khoo -

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